A Prayer for Protection from Enemies
1 Save me by your power, O God;
set me free by your might!
2 Hear my prayer, O God;
listen to my words!
3 Proud people are coming to attack me;
cruel people are trying to kill me—
those who do not care about God.

4 But God is my helper.
The Lord is my defender.
5 May God use their own evil to punish my enemies.
He will destroy them because he is faithful.

6 I will gladly offer you a sacrifice, O Lord;
I will give you thanks
because you are good.
7 You have rescued me from all my troubles,
and I have seen my enemies defeated.
1 To him that excelleth on Neginoth. A Psalme of David, to give instruction. When the Ziphims came and said unto Saul, Is not David hid among us? Save mee, O God, by thy Name, and by thy power iudge me. 2 O God, heare my prayer: hearken vnto the wordes of my mouth. 3 For strangers are risen vp against me, and tyrants seeke my soule: they haue not set God before them. Selah. 4 Beholde, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that vpholde my soule. 5 He shall rewarde euill vnto mine enemies: Oh cut them off in thy trueth! 6 Then I will sacrifice freely vnto thee: I wil praise thy Name, O Lord, because it is good. 7 For he hath deliuered me out of al trouble, and mine eye hath seene my desire vpon mine enemies.