1 If you have to choose between a good reputation and great wealth, choose a good reputation.
2 The rich and the poor have this in common: the Lord made them both.
3 Sensible people will see trouble coming and avoid it, but an unthinking person will walk right into it and regret it later.
4 Obey the Lord, be humble, and you will get riches, honor, and a long life.
5 If you love your life, stay away from the traps that catch the wicked along the way.
Happy Father’s Day
6 Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.
7 Poor people are slaves of the rich. Borrow money and you are the lender's slave.
8 If you plant the seeds of injustice, disaster will spring up, and your oppression of others will end.
9 Be generous and share your food with the poor. You will be blessed for it.
10 Get rid of a conceited person, and then there will be no more arguments, quarreling, or name-calling.
11 If you love purity of heart and graciousness of speech, the king will be your friend.
12 The Lord sees to it that truth is kept safe by disproving the words of liars.
13 Lazy people stay at home; they say a lion might get them if they go outside.
14 Adultery is a trap—it catches those with whom the Lord is angry.
15 Children just naturally do silly, careless things, but a good spanking will teach them how to behave.
16 If you make gifts to rich people or oppress the poor to get rich, you will become poor yourself.
The Thirty Wise Sayings
17 Listen, and I will teach you what the wise have said. Study their teachings, 18 and you will be glad if you remember them and can quote them. 19 I want you to put your trust in the Lord; that is why I am going to tell them to you now. 20 I have written down thirty sayings for you. They contain knowledge and good advice, 21 and will teach you what the truth really is. Then when you are sent to find it out, you will bring back the right answer.
22 Don't take advantage of the poor just because you can; don't take advantage of those who stand helpless in court. 23 The Lord will argue their case for them and threaten the life of anyone who threatens theirs.
24 Don't make friends with people who have hot, violent tempers. 25 You might learn their habits and not be able to change.
26 Don't promise to be responsible for someone else's debts. 27 If you should be unable to pay, they will take away even your bed.
28 Never move an old property line that your ancestors established.
29 Show me someone who does a good job, and I will show you someone who is better than most and worthy of the company of kings.
1 A good name is to be chosen aboue great riches, and louing fauour is aboue siluer and aboue golde. 2 The rich and poore meete together: the Lord is the maker of them all. 3 A prudent man seeth the plague, and hideth himselfe: but the foolish goe on still, and are punished. 4 The rewarde of humilitie, and the feare of God is riches, and glory, and life. 5 Thornes and snares are in the way of the frowarde: but he that regardeth his soule, will depart farre from them. 6 Teache a childe in the trade of his way, and when he is olde, he shall not depart from it. 7 The rich ruleth the poore, and the borower is seruant to the man that lendeth. 8 He that soweth iniquitie, shall reape affliction, and the rodde of his anger shall faile. 9 He that hath a good eye, he shalbe blessed: for he giueth of his bread vnto the poore. 10 Cast out the scorner, and strife shall go out: so contention and reproche shall cease. 11 Hee that loueth purenesse of heart for the grace of his lippes, the King shalbe his friend. 12 The eyes of the Lord preserue knowledge: but hee ouerthroweth the wordes of the transgressour. 13 The slouthfull man saith, A lyon is without, I shall be slaine in the streete. 14 The mouth of strage women is as a deepe pit: he with whom the Lord is angry, shall fall therein. 15 Foolishnesse is bounde in the heart of a childe: but the rodde of correction shall driue it away from him. 16 Hee that oppresseth the poore to increase him selfe, and giueth vnto the riche, shall surely come to pouertie. 17 Incline thine eare, and heare the wordes of the wise, and apply thine heart vnto my knowledge. 18 For it shalbe pleasant, if thou keepe them in thy bellie, and if they be directed together in thy lippes. 19 That thy confidence may be in the Lord, I haue shewed thee this day: thou therefore take heede. 20 Haue not I written vnto thee three times in counsels and knowledge, 21 That I might shewe thee the assurance of the wordes of trueth to answere the wordes of trueth to them that sende to thee? 22 Robbe not the poore, because hee is poore, neither oppresse the afflicted in iudgement. 23 For the Lord will defende their cause, and spoyle the soule of those that spoyle them. 24 Make no friendship with an angrie man, neither goe with the furious man, 25 Least thou learne his wayes, and receiue destruction to thy soule. 26 Be not thou of them that touch the hand, nor among them that are suretie for debts. 27 If thou hast nothing to paye, why causest thou that he should take thy bed from vnder thee? 28 Thou shalt not remooue the ancient bounds which thy fathers haue made. 29 Thou seest that a diligent man in his businesse standeth before Kings, and standeth not before the base sort.