1 Drinking too much makes you loud and foolish. It's stupid to get drunk.
2 Fear an angry king as you would a growling lion; making him angry is suicide.
3 Any fool can start arguments; the honorable thing is to stay out of them.
4 A farmer too lazy to plow his fields at the right time will have nothing to harvest.
5 A person's thoughts are like water in a deep well, but someone with insight can draw them out.
6 Everyone talks about how loyal and faithful he is, but just try to find someone who really is!
Happy Father’s Day
7 Children are fortunate if they have a father who is honest and does what is right.
8 The king sits in judgment and knows evil when he sees it.
9 Can anyone really say that his conscience is clear, that he has gotten rid of his sin?
10 The Lord hates people who use dishonest weights and measures.
11 Even children show what they are by what they do; you can tell if they are honest and good.
12 The Lord has given us eyes to see with and ears to listen with.
13 If you spend your time sleeping, you will be poor. Keep busy and you will have plenty to eat.
14 The customer always complains that the price is too high, but then he goes off and brags about the bargain he got.
15 If you know what you are talking about, you have something more valuable than gold or jewels.
16 Anyone stupid enough to promise to be responsible for a stranger's debts ought to have their own property held to guarantee payment.
17 What you get by dishonesty you may enjoy like the finest food, but sooner or later it will be like a mouthful of sand.
18 Get good advice and you will succeed; don't go charging into battle without a plan.
19 A gossip can never keep a secret. Stay away from people who talk too much.
20 If you curse your parents, your life will end like a lamp that goes out in the dark.
21 The more easily you get your wealth, the less good it will do you.
22 Don't take it on yourself to repay a wrong. Trust the Lord and he will make it right.
23 The Lord hates people who use dishonest scales and weights.
24 The Lord has determined our path; how then can anyone understand the direction his own life is taking?
25 Think carefully before you promise an offering to God. You might regret it later.
26 A wise king will find out who is doing wrong, and will punish him without pity.
27 The Lord gave us mind and conscience; we cannot hide from ourselves.
28 A king will remain in power as long as his rule is honest, just, and fair.
29 We admire the strength of youth and respect the gray hair of age.
30 Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways.
1 Wine is a mocker and strong drinke is raging: and whosoeuer is deceiued thereby, is not wise. 2 The feare of the King is like the roaring of a lyon: hee that prouoketh him vnto anger, sinneth against his owne soule. 3 It is a mans honour to cease from strife: but euery foole will be medling. 4 The slouthfull will not plowe, because of winter: therefore shall he beg in sommer, but haue nothing. 5 The counsell in the heart of man is like deepe waters: but a man that hath vnderstanding, will drawe it out. 6 Many men wil boast, euery one of his owne goodnes: but who can finde a faithfull man? 7 He that walketh in his integritie, is iust: and blessed shall his children be after him. 8 A King that sitteth in the throne of iudgement, chaseth away all euill with his eyes. 9 Who can say, I haue made mine heart cleane, I am cleane from my sinne? 10 Diuers weightes, and diuers measures, both these are euen abomination vnto the Lord. 11 A childe also is knowen by his doings, whether his worke be pure and right. 12 The Lord hath made both these, euen the eare to heare, and the eye to see. 13 Loue not sleepe least thou come vnto pouertie: open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread. 14 It is naught, it is naught, sayth the buyer: but when he is gone apart, he boasteth. 15 There is golde, and a multitude of precious stones: but the lips of knowledge are a precious iewel. 16 Take his garment, that is suretie for a stranger, and a pledge of him for the stranger. 17 The bread of deceit is sweete to a man: but afterward his mouth shalbe filled with grauel. 18 Establish the thoughtes by counsell: and by counsell make warre. 19 He that goeth about as a slanderer, discouereth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips. 20 He that curseth his father or his mother, his light shalbe put out in obscure darkenes. 21 An heritage is hastely gotten at the beginning, but the end thereof shall not be blessed. 22 Say not thou, I wil recompense euill: but waite vpon the Lord, and he shall saue thee. 23 Diuers weightes are an abomination vnto the Lord, and deceitful balances are not good. 24 The steps of man are ruled by the Lord: how can a man then vnderstand his owne way? 25 It is a destruction for a man to deuoure that which is sanctified, and after the vowes to inquire. 26 A wise King scattereth the wicked, and causeth the wheele to turne ouer them. 27 The light of the Lord is the breath of man, and searcheth all the bowels of the belly. 28 Mercie and trueth preserue the King: for his throne shall be established with mercie. 29 The beautie of yong men is their strength, and the glory of the aged is the gray head. 30 The blewnes of the wound serueth to purge the euill, and the stripes within the bowels of the belly.