The Lord's Message about Philistia
1 Before the king of Egypt attacked Gaza, the Lord spoke to me about Philistia. 2 He said:
“Look! Waters are rising in the north
and will rush like a river in flood.
They will cover the land and everything on it,
cities and the people who live there.
People will call out for help;
everyone on earth will cry bitterly.
3 They will hear the hoofbeats of horses,
the clatter of chariots,
the rumble of wheels.
Parents will not turn back for their children;
their hands will hang limp at their sides.
4 The time has come to destroy Philistia,
to cut off from Tyre and Sidon
all the help that remains.
I, the Lord, will destroy the Philistines,
all who came from the shores of Crete.
5 Great sorrow has come to the people of Gaza,
and Ashkelon's people are silent.
How long will the rest of Philistia mourn?
6 You cry out, ‘Sword of the Lord!
How long will you go on slashing?
Go back to your scabbard,
stay there and rest!’
7 But how can it rest,
when I have given it work to do?
I have commanded it to attack Ashkelon
and the people who live on the coast.”
1 The wordes of the Lord that came to Ieremiah the Prophet, against the Philistims, before that Pharaoh smote Azzah. 2 Thus saith the Lord, Beholde, waters rise vp out of the North, and shalbe as a swelling flood, and shall ouerflowe the land, and all that is therein, and the cities with them that dwell therein: then the men shall crie, and all the inhabitants of the land shall howle, 3 At the noise and stamping of ye hoofes of his strong horses, at the noise of his charets, and at the rumbling of his wheeles: ye fathers shall not looke backe to their children, for feeblenes of handes, 4 Because of the day that commeth to destroy all the Philistims, and to destroy Tyrus, and Zidon, and all the rest that take their part: for the Lord will destroy the Philistims, the remnant of the yle of Caphtor. 5 Baldenes is come vpon Azzah: Ashkelon is cut vp with the rest of their valleys. Howe long wilt thou thy selfe? 6 O thou sword of the Lord, how long will it be or thou cease! turne againe into thy scaberd, rest and be still. 7 Howe can it cease, seeing the Lord hath giuen it a charge against Ashkelon, and against the sea banke? euen there hath he appointed it.