1 Everything that the people of Israel do from morning to night is useless and destructive. Treachery and acts of violence increase among them. They make treaties with Assyria and do business with Egypt.”
2 The Lord has an accusation to bring against the people of Judah; he is also going to punish Israel for the way her people act. He will pay them back for what they have done. 3 Their ancestor Jacob struggled with his twin brother Esau while the two of them were still in their mother's womb; when Jacob grew up, he fought against God— 4 he fought against an angel and won. He wept and asked for a blessing. And at Bethel God came to our ancestor Jacob and spoke with him. 5 This was the Lord God Almighty—the Lord is the name by which he is to be worshiped. 6 So now, descendants of Jacob, trust in your God and return to him. Be loyal and just, and wait patiently for your God to act.
Further Words of Judgment
7 The Lord says, “The people of Israel are as dishonest as the Canaanites; they love to cheat their customers with false scales. 8 ‘We are rich,’ they say. ‘We've made a fortune. And no one can accuse us of getting rich dishonestly.’ 9 But I, the Lord your God who led you out of Egypt, I will make you live in tents again, as you did when I came to you in the desert.
10 “I spoke to the prophets and gave them many visions, and through the prophets I gave my people warnings. 11 Yet idols are worshiped in Gilead, and those who worship them will die. Bulls are sacrificed in Gilgal, and the altars there will become piles of stone in the open fields.”
12 Our ancestor Jacob had to flee to Mesopotamia, where, in order to get a wife, he worked for another man and took care of his sheep. 13 The Lord sent a prophet to rescue the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt and to take care of them. 14 The people of Israel have made the Lord bitterly angry; they deserve death for their crimes. Their Lord will punish them for the disgrace they have brought on him.
1 Ephraim is fed with the winde, and followeth after the East winde: hee increaseth daily lies and destruction, and they do make a couenant with Asshur, and oyle is caried into Egypt. 2 The Lord hath also a controuersie with Iudah, and will visite Iaakob, according to his waies: according to his workes, wil he recompence him. 3 Hee tooke his brother by the heele in the wombe, and by his strength he had power with God, 4 And had power ouer the Angel, and preuailed: he wept and praied vnto him: he founde him in Beth-el, and there he spake with vs. 5 Yea, the Lord God of hostes, the Lord is himselfe his memoriall. 6 Therefore turne thou to thy God: keepe mercy and iudgement, and hope still in thy God. 7 He is Canaan: the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loueth to oppresse. 8 And Ephraim saide, Notwithstanding I am rich, I haue found me out riches in all my labours: they shall finde none iniquitie in me, that were wickednesse. 9 Though I am the Lord thy God, from the land of Egypt, yet will I make thee to dwel in the tabernacles, as in the daies of the solemne feast. 10 I haue also spoken by the Prophets, and I haue multiplied visions, and vsed similitudes by the ministerie of the Prophets. 11 Is there iniquitie in Gilead? surely they are vanitie: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal, and their altars are as heapes in the furrowes of the field. 12 And Iaakob fled into the countrey of Aram, and Israel serued for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheepe. 13 And by a Prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a Prophet was he reserued. 14 But Ephraim prouoked him with hie places: therefore shall his blood be powred vpon him, and his reproche shall his Lord reward him.