For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
1 Who so dwelleth in the secrete of the most High, shall abide in the shadowe of the Almightie. 2 I will say vnto the Lord, O mine hope, and my fortresse: he is my God, in him will I trust. 3 Surely he will deliuer thee from the snare of the hunter, and from the noysome pestilence. 4 Hee will couer thee vnder his winges, and thou shalt be sure vnder his feathers: his trueth shall be thy shielde and buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraide of the feare of the night, nor of the arrowe that flyeth by day: 6 Nor of the pestilence that walketh in the darkenesse: nor of the plague that destroyeth at noone day. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and tenne thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come neere thee. 8 Doubtlesse with thine eyes shalt thou beholde and see the reward of the wicked. 9 For thou hast said, The Lord is mine hope: thou hast set the most High for thy refuge. 10 There shall none euill come vnto thee, neither shall any plague come neere thy tabernacle. 11 For hee shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee to keepe thee in all thy wayes. 12 They shall beare thee in their handes, that thou hurt not thy foote against a stone. 13 Thou shalt walke vpon the lyon and aspe: the yong lyon and the dragon shalt thou treade vnder feete. 14 Because he hath loued me, therefore will I deliuer him: I will exalt him because hee hath knowen my Name. 15 He shall call vpon me, and I wil heare him: I will be with him in trouble: I will deliuer him, and glorifie him. 16 With long life wil I satisfie him, and shew him my saluation.
God Our Protector
1 Whoever goes to the Lord for safety,
whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty,
2 can say to him,
“You are my defender and protector.
You are my God; in you I trust.”
3 He will keep you safe from all hidden dangers
and from all deadly diseases.
4 He will cover you with his wings;
you will be safe in his care;
his faithfulness will protect and defend you.
5 You need not fear any dangers at night
or sudden attacks during the day
6 or the plagues that strike in the dark
or the evils that kill in daylight.

7 A thousand may fall dead beside you,
ten thousand all around you,
but you will not be harmed.
8 You will look and see
how the wicked are punished.

9 You have made the Lord your defender,
the Most High your protector,
10 and so no disaster will strike you,
no violence will come near your home.
11 God will put his angels in charge of you
to protect you wherever you go.
12 They will hold you up with their hands
to keep you from hurting your feet on the stones.
13 You will trample down lions and snakes,
fierce lions and poisonous snakes.

14 God says, “I will save those who love me
and will protect those who acknowledge me as Lord.
15 When they call to me, I will answer them;
when they are in trouble, I will be with them.
I will rescue them and honor them.
16 I will reward them with long life;
I will save them.”