1 To the excellent musician Ieduthun. I thought, I will take heede to my wayes, that I sinne not with my tongue: I will keepe my mouth brideled, while the wicked is in my sight. 2 I was dumme and spake nothing: I kept silece euen from good, and my sorow was more stirred. 3 Mine heart was hote within me, and while I was musing, the fire kindeled, and I spake with my tongue, saying, 4 Lord, let me know mine ende, and the measure of my dayes, what it is: let mee knowe howe long I haue to liue. 5 Beholde, thou hast made my dayes as an hand breadth, and mine age as nothing in respect of thee: surely euery man in his best state is altogether vanitie. Selah. 6 Doubtlesse man walketh in a shadowe, and disquieteth himselfe in vaine: he heapeth vp riches, and cannot tell who shall gather them. 7 And now Lord, what wait I for? mine hope is euen in thee. 8 Deliuer me from all my transgressions, and make me not a rebuke vnto the foolish. 9 I should haue bene dumme, and not haue opened my mouth, because thou didest it. 10 Take thy plague away from mee: for I am consumed by the stroke of thine hand. 11 When thou with rebukes doest chastise man for iniquitie, thou as a mothe makest his beautie to consume: surely euery man is vanitie. Selah. 12 Heare my prayer, O Lord, and hearken vnto my cry: keepe not silence at my teares, for I am a strager with thee, and a soiourner as all my fathers. 13 Stay thine anger from me, that I may recouer my strength, before I go hence and be not.
The Confession of a Sufferer
1 I said, “I will be careful about what I do
and will not let my tongue make me sin;
I will not say anything
while evil people are near.”
2 I kept quiet, not saying a word,
not even about anything good!
But my suffering only grew worse,
3 and I was overcome with anxiety.
The more I thought, the more troubled I became;
I could not keep from asking:
4 Lord, how long will I live?
When will I die?
Tell me how soon my life will end.”

5 How short you have made my life!
In your sight my lifetime seems nothing.
Indeed every living being is no more than a puff of wind,
6 no more than a shadow.
All we do is for nothing;
we gather wealth, but don't know who will get it.

7 What, then, can I hope for, Lord?
I put my hope in you.
8 Save me from all my sins,
and don't let fools make fun of me.
9 I will keep quiet, I will not say a word,
for you are the one who made me suffer like this.
10 Don't punish me any more!
I am about to die from your blows.
11 You punish our sins by your rebukes,
and like a moth you destroy what we love.
Indeed we are no more than a puff of wind!

12 Hear my prayer, Lord,
and listen to my cry;
come to my aid when I weep.
Like all my ancestors
I am only your guest for a little while.
13 Leave me alone so that I may have some happiness
before I go away and am no more.