1 A Psalme of David. The earth is the Lordes, and all that therein is: the worlde and they that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it vpon the seas: and established it vpon the floods. 3 Who shall ascende into the mountaine of the Lord? and who shall stand in his holy place? 4 Euen he that hath innocent handes, and a pure heart: which hath not lift vp his minde vnto vanitie, nor sworne deceitfully. 5 He shall receiue a blessing from the Lord, and righteousnesse from the God of his saluation. 6 This is the generation of them that seeke him, of them that seeke thy face, this is Iaakob. Selah. 7 Lift vp your heads ye gates, and be ye lift vp ye euerlasting doores, and the King of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of glorie? the Lord, strong and mightie, euen the Lord mightie in battell. 9 Lift vp your heads, ye gates, and lift vp your selues, ye euerlasting doores, and the King of glorie shall come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? the Lord of hostes, he is the King of glorie. Selah.
The Great King
1 The world and all that is in it belong to the Lord;
the earth and all who live on it are his.
2 He built it on the deep waters beneath the earth
and laid its foundations in the ocean depths.

3 Who has the right to go up the Lord's hill?
Who may enter his holy Temple?
4 Those who are pure in act and in thought,
who do not worship idols
or make false promises.
5 The Lord will bless them and save them;
God will declare them innocent.
6 Such are the people who come to God,
who come into the presence of the God of Jacob.

7 Fling wide the gates,
open the ancient doors,
and the great king will come in.
8 Who is this great king?
He is the Lord, strong and mighty,
the Lord, victorious in battle.

9 Fling wide the gates,
open the ancient doors,
and the great king will come in.
10 Who is this great king?
The triumphant Lord—he is the great king!