1 A song of degrees, or Psalme of David. If the Lord had not bene on our side, (may Israel now say) 2 If the Lord had not bene on our side, when men rose vp against vs, 3 They had then swallowed vs vp quicke, when their wrath was kindled against vs. 4 Then the waters had drowned vs, and the streame had gone ouer our soule: 5 Then had the swelling waters gone ouer our soule. 6 Praysed be the Lord, which hath not giuen vs as a praye vnto their teeth. 7 Our soule is escaped, euen as a bird out of the snare of the foulers: the snare is broken, and we are deliuered. 8 Our helpe is in the Name of the Lord, which hath made heauen and earth.
God the Protector of His People
1 What if the Lord had not been on our side?
Answer, O Israel!

2 “If the Lord had not been on our side
when our enemies attacked us,
3 then they would have swallowed us alive
in their furious anger against us;
4 then the flood would have carried us away,
the water would have covered us,
5 the raging torrent would have drowned us.”

6 Let us thank the Lord,
who has not let our enemies destroy us.
7 We have escaped like a bird from a hunter's trap;
the trap is broken, and we are free!
8 Our help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.