1 Send yee a lambe to the ruler of the worlde from the rocke of the wildernesse, vnto the mountaine of the daughter Zion. 2 For it shall be as a birde that flieth, and a nest forsaken: the daughters of Moab shall be at the foordes of Arnon. 3 Gather a cousel, execute iudgement: make thy shadowe as the night in the midday: hide them that are chased out: bewray not him that is fled. 4 Let my banished dwell with thee: Moab be thou their couert from the face of the destroyer: for the extortioner shall ende: the destroyer shalbe consumed, and the oppressour shall cease out of the land. 5 And in mercy shall the throne be prepared, and hee shall sit vpon it in stedfastnesse, in the tabernacle of Dauid, iudging, and seeking iudgement, and hasting iustice. 6 We haue heard of the pride of Moab, (he is very proud) euen his pride, and his arrogancie, and his indignation, but his lies shall not be so. 7 Therefore shall Moab howle vnto Moab: euery one shall howle: for the foundations of Kirhareseth shall ye mourne, yet they shalbe striken. 8 For ye vineyards of Heshbon are cut downe, and the vine of Sibmah: the lordes of the heathen haue broken the principal vines thereof: they are come vnto Iaazer: they wandred in the wildernesse: her goodly branches stretched out them selues, and went ouer the sea. 9 Therefore will I weepe with the weeping of Iaazer, and of the vine of Sibmah, O Heshbon: and Elealeh, I will make thee drunke with my teares, because vpon thy sommer fruits, and vpon thy haruest a showting is fallen. 10 And gladnes is taken away, and ioy out of the plentifull fielde: and in the vineyardes shall be no singing nor shouting for ioy: the treader shall not tread wine in the wine presses: I haue caused the reioycing to cease. 11 Wherefore, my bowels shall sounde like an harpe for Moab, and mine inwarde partes for Ker-haresh. 12 And when it shall appeare that Moab shall be wearie of his hie places, then shall hee come to his temple to praie, but he shall not preuaile. 13 This is the word that the Lord hath spoken against Moab since that time. 14 And nowe the Lord hath spoken, saying, In three yeres, as the yeeres of a hireling, and the glorie of Moab shall be contemned in all the great multitude, and the remnant shalbe very small and feeble.
Moab's Hopeless Situation
1 From the city of Sela in the desert the people of Moab send a lamb as a present to the one who rules in Jerusalem. 2 They wait on the banks of the Arnon River and move aimlessly back and forth, like birds driven from their nest.
3 They say to the people of Judah, “Tell us what to do. Protect us like a tree that casts a cool shadow in the heat of noon, and let us rest in your shade. We are refugees; hide us where no one can find us. 4 Let us stay in your land. Protect us from those who want to destroy us.”
(Oppression and destruction will end, and those who are devastating the country will be gone. 5 Then one of David's descendants will be king, and he will rule the people with faithfulness and love. He will be quick to do what is right, and he will see that justice is done.)
6 The people of Judah say, “We have heard how proud the people of Moab are. We know that they are arrogant and conceited, but their boasts are empty.”
7 The people of Moab will weep because of the troubles they suffer. They will all weep when they remember the fine food they used to eat in the city of Kir Heres. They will be driven to despair. 8 The farms near Heshbon and the vineyards of Sibmah are destroyed—those vineyards whose wine used to make the rulers of the nations drunk. At one time the vines spread as far as the city of Jazer, and eastward into the desert, and westward to the other side of the Dead Sea. 9 Now I weep for Sibmah's vines as I weep for Jazer. My tears fall for Heshbon and Elealeh, because there is no harvest to make the people glad. 10 No one is happy now in the fertile fields. No one shouts or sings in the vineyards. No one tramples grapes to make wine; the shouts of joy are ended. 11 I groan with sadness for Moab, with grief for Kir Heres. 12 The people of Moab wear themselves out going to their mountain shrines and to their temples to pray, but it will do them no good.
13 That is the message the Lord gave earlier about Moab. 14 And now the Lord says, “In exactly three years Moab's great wealth will disappear. Of its many people, only a few will survive, and they will be weak.”