1 Then said the Lord to me, Goe yet, and loue a woman (beloued of her husband, and was an harlot) according to the loue of the Lord toward the children of Israel: yet they looked to other gods, and loued the wine bottels. 2 So I bought her to me for fifteene pieces of siluer, and for an homer of barlie and an halfe homer of barlie. 3 And I said vnto her, Thou shalt abide with me many dayes: thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt be to none other man, and I will be so vnto thee. 4 For the children of Israel shall remaine many dayes without a King and without a prince, and without an offering, and without an image, and without an Ephod and without Teraphim. 5 Afterward shall the children of Israel conuert, and seeke the Lord their God, and Dauid their King, and shall feare the Lord, and his goodnes in the latter dayes.
Hosea and the Unfaithful Woman
1 The Lord said to me, “Go again and show your love for a woman who is committing adultery with a lover. You must love her just as I still love the people of Israel, even though they turn to other gods and like to take offerings of raisins to idols.”
2 So I paid fifteen pieces of silver and seven bushels of barley to buy her. 3 I told her that for a long time she would have to wait for me without being a prostitute or committing adultery; and during this time I would wait for her. 4 In just this way the people of Israel will have to live for a long time without kings or leaders, without sacrifices or sacred stone pillars, without idols or images to use for divination. 5 But the time will come when the people of Israel will once again turn to the Lord their God and to a descendant of David their king. Then they will fear the Lord and will receive his good gifts.