1 Then we turned, and went vp by the way of Bashan: and Og King of Bashan came out against vs, he, and all his people to fight at Edrei. 2 And the Lord sayde vnto me, Feare him not, for I will deliuer him, and all his people, and his land into thine hand, and thou shalt doe vnto him as thou diddest vnto Sihon King of the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon. 3 So the Lord our God deliuered also vnto our hand, Og the King of Bashan, and all his people: and we smote him, vntill none was left him aliue, 4 And we tooke all his cities the same time, neither was there a citie which we tooke not from them, euen three score cities, and all ye countrey of Argob, the kingdome of Og in Bashan. 5 All these cities were fenced with hie walles, gates and barres, beside vnwalled townes a great many. 6 And we ouerthrewe them, as we did vnto Sihon King of Heshbon, destroying euery citie, with men, women, and children. 7 But all the cattell and the spoyle of the cities we tooke for our selues. 8 Thus we tooke at that time out of the hand of two Kings of the Amorites, the land that was on this side Iorden from the riuer of Arnon vnto mount Hermon: 9 (Which Hermon the Sidonians call Shirion, but the Amorites call it Shenir) 10 All the cities of the plaine, and all Gilead, and all Bashan vnto Salchah, and Edrei, cities of the kingdome of Og in Bashan. 11 For onely Og King of Bashan remained of the remnant of the gyants, whose bed was a bed of yron: is it not at Rabbath among the children of Ammon? the length thereof is nine cubites, and foure cubites the breadth of it, after the cubite of a man. 12 And this land which we possessed at that time, from Aroer, which is by the riuer of Arnon, and halfe mount Gilead, and the cities thereof, gaue I vnto the Reubenites and Gadites. 13 And the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, the kingdome of Og, gaue I vnto the halfe tribe of Manasseh: euen all the countrey of Argob with all Bashan, which is called, The land of gyants. 14 Iair the sonne of Manasseh tooke all the countrey of Argob, vnto the coastes of Geshuri, and of Maachathi: and called them after his owne name, Bashan, Hauoth Iair vnto this day. 15 And I gaue part of Gilead vnto Machir. 16 And vnto the Reubenites and Gadites I gaue the rest of Gilead, and vnto the riuer of Arnon, halfe the riuer and the borders, euen vnto the riuer Iabbok, which is the border of the children of Ammon: 17 The plaine also and Iorden, and the borders from Chinneereth euen vnto the Sea of the plaine, to wit, the salt Sea vnder the springs of Pisgah Eastwarde. 18 And I commanded you the same time, saying, The Lord your God hath giuen you this lande to possesse it: ye shall goe ouer armed before your brethren the children of Israel, all men of warre. 19 Your wiues onely, and your children, and your cattel (for I know that ye haue much cattel) shall abide in your cities, which I haue giuen you, 20 Vntill the Lord haue giuen rest vnto your brethren as vnto you, and that they also possesse the lande, which the Lord your God hath giuen them beyond Iorden: then shall ye returne euery man vnto his possession, which I haue giuen you. 21 And I charged Ioshua the same time, saying, Thine eyes haue seene all that the Lord your God hath done vnto these two Kings: so shall the Lord doe vnto all the kingdomes whither thou goest. 22 Ye shall not feare them: for the Lord your God, he shall fight for you. 23 And I besought the Lord the same time, saying, 24 O Lord God, thou hast begunne to shewe thy seruant thy greatnesse and thy mightie hande: for where is there a God in heauen or in earth, that can do like thy workes, and like thy power? 25 I pray thee let me go ouer and see the good land that is beyond Iorden, that goodly mountaine, and Lebanon. 26 But the Lord was angrie with me for your sakes, and would not heare me: and the Lord said vnto me, Let it suffice thee, speake no more vnto me of this matter. 27 Get thee vp into the top of Pisgah, and lift vp thine eyes Westward, and Northwarde, and Southward, and Eastward, and behold it with thine eyes, for thou shalt not goe ouer this Iorden: 28 But charge Ioshua, and incourage him, and bolden him: for hee shall goe before this people, and he shall deuide for inheritance vnto them, the land which thou shalt see. 29 So wee abode in the valley ouer against Beth-Peor.
Israel Conquers King Og
(Numbers 21.31-35)
1 “Next, we moved north toward the region of Bashan, and King Og came out with all his men to fight us near the town of Edrei. 2 But the Lord said to me, ‘Don't be afraid of him. I am going to give him, his men, and all his territory to you. Do the same thing to him that you did to Sihon the Amorite king who ruled in Heshbon.’
3 “So the Lord also placed King Og and his people in our power, and we slaughtered them all. 4 At the same time we captured all his towns—there was not one that we did not take. In all we captured sixty towns—the whole region of Argob, where King Og of Bashan ruled. 5 All these towns were fortified with high walls, gates, and bars to lock the gates, and there were also many villages without walls. 6 We destroyed all the towns and put to death all the men, women, and children, just as we did in the towns that belonged to King Sihon of Heshbon. 7 We took the livestock and plundered the towns.
8 “At that time we took from those two Amorite kings the land east of the Jordan River, from the Arnon River to Mount Hermon. ( 9 Mount Hermon is called Sirion by the Sidonians, and Senir by the Amorites.) 10 We took all the territory of King Og of Bashan: the cities on the plateau, the regions of Gilead and of Bashan, as far east as the towns of Salecah and Edrei.”
( 11 King Og was the last of the Rephaim. His coffin, made of stone, was six feet wide and almost fourteen feet long, according to standard measurements. It can still be seen in the Ammonite city of Rabbah.)
The Tribes That Settled East of the Jordan
(Numbers 32.1-42)
12 “When we took possession of the land, I assigned to the tribes of Reuben and Gad the territory north of the town of Aroer near the Arnon River and part of the hill country of Gilead, along with its towns. 13 To half the tribe of Manasseh I assigned the rest of Gilead and also all of Bashan, where Og had ruled, that is, the entire Argob region.”
(Bashan was known as the land of the Rephaim. 14 Jair, from the tribe of Manasseh, took the entire region of Argob, that is, Bashan, as far as the border of Geshur and Maacah. He named the villages after himself, and they are still known as the villages of Jair.)
15 “I assigned Gilead to the clan of Machir of the tribe of Manasseh. 16 And to the tribes of Reuben and Gad I assigned the territory from Gilead to the Arnon River. The middle of the river was their southern boundary, and their northern boundary was the Jabbok River, part of which formed the Ammonite border. 17 On the west their territory extended to the Jordan River, from Lake Galilee in the north down to the Dead Sea in the south and to the foot of Mount Pisgah on the east.
18 “At the same time, I gave them the following instructions: ‘The Lord our God has given you this land east of the Jordan to occupy. Now arm your fighting men and send them across the Jordan ahead of the other tribes of Israel, to help them occupy their land. 19 Only your wives, children, and livestock—I know you have a lot of livestock—will remain behind in the towns that I have assigned to you. 20 Help the other Israelites until they occupy the land that the Lord is giving them west of the Jordan and until the Lord lets them live there in peace, as he has already done here for you. After that, you may return to this land that I have assigned to you.’
21 “Then I instructed Joshua: ‘You have seen all that the Lord your God did to those two kings, Sihon and Og; and he will do the same thing to everyone else whose land you invade. 22 Don't be afraid of them, for the Lord your God will fight for you.’
Moses Is Not Permitted to Enter Canaan
23 “At that time I earnestly prayed, 24 ‘Sovereign Lord, I know that you have shown me only the beginning of the great and wonderful things you are going to do. There is no god in heaven or on earth who can do the mighty things that you have done! 25 Let me cross the Jordan River, Lord, and see the fertile land on the other side, the beautiful hill country and the Lebanon Mountains.’
26 “But because of you people the Lord was angry with me and would not listen. Instead, he said, ‘That's enough! Don't mention this again! 27 Go to the peak of Mount Pisgah and look to the north and to the south, to the east and to the west. Look carefully at what you see, because you will never go across the Jordan. 28 Give Joshua his instructions. Strengthen his determination, because he will lead the people across to occupy the land that you see.’
29 “So we remained in the valley opposite the town of Bethpeor.”