1 A Psalme. Sing vnto the Lord a newe song: for hee hath done marueilous things: his right hand, and his holy arme haue gotten him the victorie. 2 The Lord declared his saluation: his righteousnes hath he reueiled in the sight of ye nations. 3 He hath remembred his mercy and his trueth toward the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth haue seene the saluation of our God. 4 All the earth, sing ye loude vnto the Lord: crie out and reioyce, and sing prayses. 5 Sing prayse to the Lord vpon the harpe, euen vpon the harpe with a singing voyce. 6 With shalmes and sound of trumpets sing loude before the Lord the King. 7 Let the sea roare, and all that therein is, the world, and they that dwell therein. 8 Let the floods clap their hands, and let the mountaines reioyce together 9 Before the Lord: for he is come to iudge the earth: with righteousnesse shall hee iudge the world, and the people with equitie.
The Lord Works Miracles
1 Sing a new song to the Lord!
He has worked miracles,
and with his own powerful arm,
he has won the victory.
2 The Lord has shown the nations
that he has the power to save
and to bring justice.
3 God has been faithful
in his love for Israel,
and his saving power is seen
everywhere on earth.

4 Tell everyone on this earth
to sing happy songs
in praise of the Lord.
5 Make music for him on harps.
Play beautiful melodies!
6 Sound the trumpets and horns
and celebrate with joyful songs
for our Lord and King!

7 Command the ocean to roar
with all its creatures,
and the earth to shout
with all its people.
8 Order the rivers
to clap their hands,
and all the hills
to sing together.
9 Let them worship the Lord!
He is coming to judge
everyone on the earth,
and he will be honest
and fair.