1 To him excelleth. A Psalme of David to put in remembrance. O God, haste thee to deliuer mee: make haste to helpe me, O Lord. 2 Let them be confounded and put to shame, that seeke my soule: let them bee turned backewarde and put to rebuke, that desire mine hurt. 3 Let them be turned backe for a rewarde of their shame, which said, Aha, aha. 4 But let all those that seeke thee, be ioyfull and glad in thee, and let all that loue thy saluation, say alwaies, God be praised. 5 Nowe I am poore and needie: O God, make haste to me: thou art mine helper, and my deliuerer: O Lord, make no tarying.
(By David for the music leader. To be used when an offering is made.)
God Is Wonderful
1 Save me, Lord God!
Hurry and help.
2 Disappoint and confuse
all who want to kill me.
Turn away and disgrace
all who want to hurt me.
3 Embarrass and shame those
who say, “We told you so!”

4 Let your worshipers celebrate
and be glad because of you.
They love your saving power,
so let them always say,
“God is wonderful!”
5 I am poor and needy,
but you, the Lord God,
care about me.

You are the one who saves me.
Please hurry and help!