Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
1 To him that excelleth upon Alamoth a song committed to the sonnes of Korah. God is our hope and strength, and helpe in troubles, ready to be found. 2 Therefore will not we feare, though the earth be moued, and though the mountaines fall into the middes of the sea. 3 Though the waters thereof rage and be troubled, and the mountaines shake at the surges of the same. Selah, 4 Yet there is a Riuer, whose streames shall make glad the citie of God: euen the Sanctuarie of the Tabernacles of the most High. 5 God is in the middes of it: therefore shall it not be moued: God shall helpe it very earely. 6 When the nations raged, and the kingdomes were moued, God thundred, and the earth melted. 7 The Lord of hostes is with vs: the God of Iaakob is our refuge. Selah. 8 Come, and behold the workes of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth. 9 He maketh warres to cease vnto the endes of the world: he breaketh the bowe and cutteth the speare, and burneth the chariots with fire. 10 Be still and knowe that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, and I wil be exalted in the earth. 11 The Lord of hostes is with vs: the God of Iaakob is our refuge. Selah.
(A special song by the clan of Korah and for the music leader.)
God Is Our Mighty Fortress
1 God is our mighty fortress,
always ready to help
in times of trouble.
2 And so, we won't be afraid!
Let the earth tremble
and the mountains tumble
into the deepest sea.
3 Let the ocean roar and foam,
and its raging waves
shake the mountains.

4 A river and its streams
bring joy to the city,
which is the sacred home
of God Most High.
5 God is in that city,
and it won't be shaken.
He will help it at dawn.

6 Nations rage! Kingdoms fall!
But at the voice of God
the earth itself melts.
7 The Lord All-Powerful
is with us.
The God of Jacob
is our fortress.

8 Come! See the fearsome things
the Lord has done on earth.
9 God brings wars to an end
all over the world.
He breaks the arrows,
shatters the spears,
and burns the shields.
10 Our God says, “Calm down,
and learn that I am God!
All nations on earth
will honor me.”

11 The Lord All-Powerful
is with us.
The God of Jacob
is our fortress.