1 A Psalme of David. Hear my prayer, O Lord, and hearken vnto my supplication: answere me in thy trueth and in thy righteousnes. 2 (And enter not into iudgement with thy seruant: for in thy sight shall none that liueth, be iustified) 3 For the enemie hath persecuted my soule: he hath smitten my life downe to the earth: he hath layde me in the darkenes, as they that haue bene dead long agoe: 4 And my spirit was in perplexitie in me, and mine heart within me was amased. 5 Yet doe I remember the time past: I meditate in all thy workes, yea, I doe meditate in the workes of thine hands. 6 I stretch forth mine hands vnto thee: my soule desireth after thee, as the thirstie land. Selah. 7 Heare me speedily, O Lord, for my spirit fayleth: hide not thy face from me, els I shall be like vnto them that go downe into the pit. 8 Let me heare thy louing kindenes in the morning, for in thee is my trust: shewe mee the way, that I should walke in, for I lift vp my soule vnto thee. 9 Deliuer me, O Lord, from mine enemies: for I hid me with thee. 10 Teach me to doe thy will, for thou art my God: let thy good Spirit leade me vnto the land of righteousnes. 11 Quicken me, O Lord, for thy Names sake, and for thy righteousnesse bring my soule out of trouble. 12 And for thy mercy slay mine enemies, and destroy all them that oppresse my soule: for I am thy seruant.
(A psalm by David.)
A Prayer in Time of Danger
1 Listen, Lord, as I pray!
You are faithful and honest
and will answer my prayer.
2 I am your servant.
Don't try me in your court,
because no one is innocent
by your standards.
3 My enemies are chasing me,
crushing me in the ground.
I am in total darkness,
like someone long dead.
4 I have given up hope,
and I feel numb all over.

5 I remember to think about
the many things you did
in years gone by.
6 Then I lift my hands in prayer,
because my soul is a desert,
thirsty for water from you.

7 Please hurry, Lord,
and answer my prayer.
I feel hopeless.
Don't turn away
and leave me here to die.
8 Each morning let me learn
more about your love
because I trust you.
I come to you in prayer,
asking for your guidance.

9 Please rescue me
from my enemies, Lord!
I come to you for safety.
10 You are my God. Show me
what you want me to do,
and let your gentle Spirit
lead me in the right path.

11 Be true to your name, Lord,
and keep my life safe.
Use your saving power
to protect me from trouble.
12 I am your servant.
Show how much you love me
by destroying my enemies.