Philipians 2v2
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1 A song of degrees or Psalme of David. Behold, howe good and howe comely a thing it is, brethren to dwell euen together. 2 It is like to the precious oyntment vpon the head, that runneth downe vpon the beard, euen vnto Aarons beard, which went downe on the border of his garments: 3 And as the dew of Hermon, which falleth vpon the mountaines of Zion: for there the Lord appointed the blessing and life for euer.
(A song for worship.)
Living Together in Peace
1 It is truly wonderful
when the people of God
live together in peace.
2 It is as beautiful as olive oil
poured on Aaron's head
and running down his beard
and the collar of his robe.
3 It is like the dew
from Mount Hermon,
falling on Zion's mountains,
where the Lord has promised
to bless his people
with life forevermore.