1 THE WORDS OF KING LEMUEL: The prophecie which his mother taught him. 2 What my sonne! and what ye sonne of my wombe! and what, O sonne of my desires! 3 Giue not thy strength vnto women, nor thy wayes, which is to destroy Kings. 4 It is not for Kings, O Lemuel, it is not for Kings to drink wine nor for princes strog drinke, 5 Lest he drinke and forget the decree, and change the iudgement of all the children of affliction. 6 Giue ye strong drinke vnto him that is readie to perish, and wine vnto them that haue griefe of heart. 7 Let him drinke, that he may forget his pouertie, and remember his miserie no more. 8 Open thy mouth for the domme in the cause of all the children of destruction. 9 Open thy mouth: iudge righteously, and iudge the afflicted, and the poore. 10 Who shall finde a vertuous woman? for her price is farre aboue the pearles. 11 The heart of her husband trusteth in her, and he shall haue no neede of spoyle. 12 She will doe him good, and not euill all the dayes of her life. 13 She seeketh wooll and flaxe, and laboureth cheerefully with her handes. 14 She is like the shippes of marchants: shee bringeth her foode from afarre. 15 And she riseth, whiles it is yet night: and giueth the portion to her houshold, and the ordinarie to her maides. 16 She considereth a field, and getteth it: and with the fruite of her handes she planteth a vineyarde. 17 She girdeth her loynes with strength, and strengtheneth her armes. 18 She feeleth that her marchandise is good: her candle is not put out by night. 19 She putteth her handes to the wherue, and her handes handle the spindle. 20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poore, and putteth foorth her hands to the needie. 21 She feareth not the snowe for her familie: for all her familie is clothed with skarlet. 22 She maketh her selfe carpets: fine linen and purple is her garment. 23 Her husband is knowen in the gates, when he sitteth with the Elders of the land. 24 She maketh sheetes, and selleth them, and giueth girdels vnto the marchant. 25 Strength and honour is her clothing, and in the latter day she shall reioyce. 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdome, and the lawe of grace is in her tongue. 27 She ouerseeth the wayes of her housholde, and eateth not the bread of ydlenes. 28 Her children rise vp, and call her blessed: her husband also shall prayse her, saying, 29 Many daughters haue done vertuously: but thou surmountest them all. 30 Fauour is deceitfull, and beautie is vanitie: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praysed. 31 Giue her of the fruite of her hands, and let her owne workes prayse her in the gates.
What King Lemuel's Mother Taught Him
1 These are the sayings
that King Lemuel of Massa
was taught by his mother.
2 My son Lemuel, you were born
in answer to my prayers,
so listen carefully.
3 Don't waste your life
chasing after women!
This has ruined many kings.

4 Kings and leaders
should not get drunk
or even want to drink.
5 Drinking makes you forget
your responsibilities,
and you mistreat the poor.
6 Beer and wine are only
for the dying or for those
who have lost all hope.
7 Let them drink and forget
how poor and miserable
they feel.
8 But you must defend
those who are helpless
and have no hope.
9 Be fair and give justice
to the poor and homeless.
In Praise of a Good Wife
10 A truly good wife
is the most precious treasure
a man can find!
11 Her husband depends on her,
and she never
lets him down.
12 She is good to him
every day of her life,
13 and with her own hands
she gladly makes clothes.

14 She is like a sailing ship
that brings food
from across the sea.
15 She gets up before daylight
to prepare food for her family
and for her servants.
16 She knows how to buy land
and how to plant a vineyard,
17 and she always works hard.
18 She knows when to buy or sell,
and she stays busy
until late at night.
19 She spins her own cloth,
20 and she helps the poor
and the needy.
21 Her family has warm clothing,
and so she doesn't worry
when it snows.
22 She does her own sewing,
and everything she wears
is beautiful.

23 Her husband is a well-known
and respected leader
in the city.
24 She makes clothes to sell
to the shop owners.
25 She is strong and graceful,
as well as cheerful
about the future.
26 Her words are sensible,
and her advice
is thoughtful.
27 She takes good care
of her family
and is never lazy.
28 Her children praise her,
and with great pride
her husband says,
29 “There are many good women,
but you are the best!”

30 Charm can be deceiving,
and beauty fades away,
but a woman
who honors the Lord
deserves to be praised.
31 Show her respect—
praise her in public
for what she has done.