1 My sonne, forget not thou my Lawe, but let thine heart keepe my commandements. 2 For they shall increase the length of thy dayes and the yeeres of life, and thy prosperitie. 3 Let not mercie and trueth forsake thee: binde them on thy necke, and write them vpon the table of thine heart. 4 So shalt thou finde fauour and good vnderstanding in the sight of God and man. 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and leane not vnto thine owne wisdome. 6 In all thy wayes acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy wayes. 7 Be not wise in thine owne eyes: but feare the Lord, and depart from euill. 8 So health shalbe vnto thy nauel, and marowe vnto thy bones. 9 Honour the Lord with thy riches, and with the first fruites of all thine increase. 10 So shall thy barnes be filled with abundance, and thy presses shall burst with newe wine. 11 My sonne, refuse not the chastening of the Lord, neither be grieued with his correction. 12 For the Lord correcteth him, whome he loueth, euen as the father doeth the childe in whom he deliteth. 13 Blessed is the man that findeth wisedome, and the man that getteth vnderstanding. 14 For the marchandise thereof is better then the marchandise of siluer, and the gaine thereof is better then golde. 15 It is more precious then pearles: and all things that thou canst desire, are not to be compared vnto her. 16 Length of dayes is in her right hand, and in her left hand riches and glory. 17 Her wayes are wayes of pleasure, and all her pathes prosperitie. 18 She is a tree of life to them that lay holde on her, and blessed is he that retaineth her. 19 The Lord by wisdome hath layde the foundation of the earth, and hath stablished the heauens through vnderstanding. 20 By his knowledge the depthes are broken vp, and the cloudes droppe downe the dewe. 21 My sonne, let not these things depart from thine eyes, but obserue wisdome, and counsell. 22 So they shalbe life to thy soule, and grace vnto thy necke. 23 Then shalt thou walke safely by thy way: and thy foote shall not stumble. 24 If thou sleepest, thou shalt not bee afraide, and when thou sleepest, thy sleepe shalbe sweete. 25 Thou shalt not feare for any sudden feare, neither for the destruction of the wicked, when it commeth. 26 For the Lord shall be for thine assurance, and shall preserue thy foote from taking. 27 Withhold not the good from the owners thereof, though there be power in thine hand to doe it. 28 Say not vnto thy neighbour, Go and come againe, and to morow wil I giue thee, if thou now haue it. 29 Intend none hurt against thy neighbour, seeing he doeth dwell without feare by thee. 30 Striue not with a man causelesse, when he hath done thee no harme. 31 Bee not enuious for the wicked man, neither chuse any of his wayes. 32 For the frowarde is abomination vnto the Lord: but his secret is with the righteous. 33 The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the righteous. 34 With the scornefull he scorneth, but hee giueth grace vnto the humble. 35 The wise shall inherite glorie: but fooles dishonour, though they be exalted.
Trust God
1 My child, remember
my teachings and instructions
and obey them completely.
2 They will help you live
a long and prosperous life.
3 Let love and loyalty
always show like a necklace,
and write them in your mind.
4 God and people will like you
and hold you in high esteem.

5 With all your heart
you must trust the Lord
and not your own judgment.
6 Always let him lead you,
and he will clear the road
for you to follow.
7 Don't ever think that you
are wise enough,
but respect the Lord
and stay away from evil.
8 This will make you healthy,
and you will feel strong.
9 Honor the Lord by giving him
your money and the first part
of all your crops.
10 Then you will have
more grain and grapes
than you will ever need.

11 My child, don't turn away
or become bitter
when the Lord corrects you.
12 The Lord corrects
everyone he loves,
just as parents correct
a child they dearly love.
The Value of Wisdom
13 God blesses everyone
who has wisdom
and common sense.
14 Wisdom is worth more
than silver;
it makes you much richer
than gold.
15 Wisdom is more valuable
than precious jewels;
nothing you want
compares with her.

16 In her right hand
Wisdom holds a long life,
and in her left hand
are wealth and honor.
17 Wisdom makes life pleasant
and leads us safely along.
18 Wisdom is a life-giving tree,
the source of happiness
for all who hold on to her.

19 By his wisdom and knowledge
the Lord created
heaven and earth.
20 By his understanding
he let the ocean break loose
and clouds release the rain.
21 My child, use common sense
and sound judgment!
Always keep them in mind.
22 They will help you to live
a long and beautiful life.
23 You will walk safely
and never stumble;
24 you will rest without a worry
and sleep soundly.
25 So don't be afraid
of sudden disasters
or storms that strike
those who are evil.
26 You can be sure that the Lord
will protect you from harm.

27 Do all you can for everyone
who deserves your help.
28 Don't tell your neighbor
to come back tomorrow,
if you can help today.
29 Don't try to be mean
to neighbors who trust you.
30 Don't argue just to be arguing,
when you haven't been hurt.
31 Don't be jealous
of cruel people
or follow their example.

32 The Lord doesn't like
anyone who is dishonest,
but he lets good people
be his friends.
33 He places a curse on the home
of everyone who is evil,
but he blesses the home
of every good person.
34 The Lord sneers at those
who sneer at him,
but he is kind to everyone
who is humble.
35 You will be praised
if you are wise,
but you will be disgraced
if you are a stubborn fool.