1 THESE ARE ALSO PARABLES of Salomon, which the men of Hezekiah King of Iudah copied out. 2 The glorie of God is to conceale a thing secret: but the Kings honour is to search out a thing. 3 The heaues in height, and the earth in deepenes, and the Kings heart can no man search out. 4 Take the drosse from the siluer, and there shall proceede a vessell for the finer. 5 Take away the wicked from the King, and his throne shall be stablished in righteousnes. 6 Boast not thy selfe before the King, and stand not in the place of great men. 7 For it is better, that it be saide vnto thee, Come vp hither, then thou to be put lower in the presece of the prince whom thine eyes haue seene. 8 Goe not foorth hastily to strife, least thou know not what to doe in the ende thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame. 9 Debate thy matter with thy neighbour, and discouer not the secret to another, 10 Least he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamie doe not cease. 11 A word spoken in his place, is like apples of golde with pictures of siluer. 12 He that reprooueth the wise, and the obedient eare, is as a golden earering and an ornament of fine golde. 13 As the colde of the snowe in the time of haruest, so is a faithfull messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soule of his masters. 14 A man that boasteth of false liberalitie, is like cloudes and winde without raine. 15 A Prince is pacified by staying of anger, and a soft tongue breaketh the bones. 16 If thou haue found hony, eate that is sufficient for thee, least thou be ouerfull, and vomit it. 17 Withdrawe thy foote from thy neighbours house, least he be weary of thee, and hate thee. 18 A man that beareth false witnes against his neighbour, is like an hammer and a sword, and a sharpe arrowe. 19 Confidence in an vnfaythfull man in time of trouble, is like a broken tooth and a sliding foote. 20 Hee that taketh away the garment in the colde season, is like vineger powred vpon nitre, or like him that singeth songs to an heauy heart. 21 If hee that hateth thee be hungry, giue him bread to eate, and if he be thirstie, giue him water to drinke. 22 For thou shalt lay coles vpon his head, and the Lord shall recompense thee. 23 As the Northwinde driueth away the raine, so doeth an angry countenance the slandering tongue. 24 It is better to dwell in a corner of the house top, then with a contentious woman in a wide house. 25 As are the colde waters to a weary soule, so is good newes from a farre countery. 26 A righteous man falling downe before the wicked, is like a troubled well, and a corrupt spring. 27 It is not good to eate much hony: so to search their owne glory is not glory. 28 A man that refraineth not his appetite, is like a citie which is broken downe and without walles.
More of Solomon's Wise Sayings
1 Here are some more
of Solomon's proverbs.
They were copied by the officials
of King Hezekiah of Judah.
2 God is praised
for being mysterious;
rulers are praised
for explaining mysteries.
3 Who can fully understand
the thoughts of a ruler?
They reach beyond the sky
and go deep in the earth.

4 Silver must be purified
before it can be used
to make something of value.
5 Evil people must be removed
before anyone can rule
with justice.

6 Don't try to seem important
in the court of a ruler.
7 It's better for the ruler
to give you a high position
than for you to be embarrassed
in front of royal officials.
Be sure you are right
8 before you sue someone,
or you might lose your case
and be embarrassed.

9 When you and someone else
can't get along,
don't gossip about it.
10 Others will find out,
and your reputation
will then be ruined.

11 The right word
at the right time
is like precious gold
set in silver.
12 Listening to good advice
is worth much more
than jewelry made of gold.
13 A messenger you can trust
is just as refreshing
as cool water in summer.
14 Broken promises
are worse than rain clouds
that don't bring rain.
15 Patience and gentle talk
can convince a ruler
and overcome any problem.

16 Eating too much honey
can make you sick.
17 Don't visit friends too often,
or they will get tired of it
and start hating you.
18 Telling lies about friends
is like attacking them
with clubs and swords
and sharp arrows.
19 A friend you can't trust
in times of trouble
is like having a toothache
or a sore foot.
20 Singing to someone
in deep sorrow
is like pouring vinegar
in an open cut.

21 If your enemies are hungry,
give them something to eat.
And if they are thirsty,
give them something
to drink.
22 This will be the same
as piling burning coals
on their heads.
And the Lord
will reward you.
23 As surely as rain blows in
from the north,
anger is caused
by cruel words.
24 It's better to stay outside
on the roof of your house
than to live inside
with a nagging wife.

25 Good news from far away
refreshes like cold water
when you are thirsty.
26 When a good person gives in
to the wicked,
it's like dumping garbage
in a stream of clear water.
27 Don't eat too much honey
or always want praise.
28 Losing self-control
leaves you as helpless
as a city without a wall.