1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying, 2 Speake vnto Aaron, and to his sonnes, that they be separated from the holy thinges of the children of Israel, and that they pollute not mine holy name in those things, which they hallowe vnto me: I am the Lord. 3 Say vnto them, Whosoeuer he be of all your seede among your generations after you, that toucheth the holy things which the children of Israel hallowe vnto the Lord, hauing his vncleannesse vpon him, euen that person shall be cut off from my sight: I am the Lord. 4 Whosoeuer also of the seede of Aaron is a leper, or hath a running issue, he shall not eate of the holy things vntill he be cleane: and who so toucheth any that is vncleane, by reason of the dead, or a man whose issue of seede runneth from him, 5 Or the man that toucheth any creeping thing, whereby he may be made vncleane, or a man, by whom he may take vncleannesse, whatsoeuer vncleannesse he hath, 6 The person that hath touched such, shall therefore be vncleane vntill the euen, and shall not eat of ye holy things, except he haue washed his flesh with water. 7 But when the Sunne is downe, hee shalbe cleane, and shall afterward eate of the holy things: for it is his foode. 8 Of a beast that dyeth, or is rent with beasts, whereby he may be defiled, hee shall not eate: I am the Lord. 9 Let them keepe therefore mine ordinance, least they beare their sinne for it, and die for it, if they defile it: I the Lord sanctifie them. 10 There shall no stranger also eate of the holie thing, neither the ghest of the Priest, neither shall an hired seruant eat of the holie thing: 11 But if the Priest bye any with money, he shall eate of it, also he that is borne in his house: they shall eate of his meate. 12 If the Priests daughter also be maried vnto a stranger, she may not eate of the holy offrings. 13 Notwithstanding if the Priests daughter be a widowe or diuorced, and haue no childe, but is returned vnto her fathers house shee shall eate of her fathers bread, as she did in her youth but there shall no stranger eate thereof. 14 If a man eate of the holie thing vnwittingly, he shall put the fift part thereunto, and giue it vnto the Priest with the halowed thing. 15 So they shall not defile the holy things of the children of Israel, which they offer vnto the Lord, 16 Neither cause the people to beare the iniquitie of their trespas, while they eate their holy thing: for I the Lord do halowe them. 17 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying, 18 Speake vnto Aaron, and to his sonnes, and to all the children of Israel, and say vnto them, Whosoeuer he be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers in Israel, that will offer his sacrifice for all their vowes, and for all their free offrings, which they vse to offer vnto the Lord for a burnt offring, 19 Yee shall offer of your free minde a male without blemish of the beeues, of the sheepe, or of the goates. 20 Ye shall not offer any thing that hath a blemish: for that shall not be acceptable for you. 21 And whosoeuer bringeth a peace offring vnto ye Lord to accomplish his vowe, or for a free offring, of the beeues, or of the sheepe, his free offring shall bee perfect, no blemish shalbe in it. 22 Blinde, or broken, or maimed, or hauing a wenne, or skiruie, or skabbed: these shall yee not offer vnto the Lord nor make an offring by fire of these vpon the altar of the Lord. 23 Yet a bullocke, or a sheepe that hath any member superfluous, or lacking, such mayest thou present for a free offring, but for a vowe it shall not be accepted. 24 Ye shall not offer vnto ye Lord that which is bruised or crusshed, or broken, or cut away, neither shall ye make an offring thereof in your land, 25 Neither of ye hand of a strager shall ye offer ye bread of your God of any of these, because their corruption is in them, there is a blemish in them: therefore shall they not be accepted for you. 26 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying, 27 When a bullocke, or a sheepe, or a goate shall be brought foorth, it shalbe euen seuen daies vnder his damme: and from the eight day forth, it shalbe accepted for a sacrifice made by fire vnto the Lord. 28 As for the cowe or the ewe, yee shall not kill her, and her yong both in one day. 29 So when ye will offer a thanke offring vnto the Lord, ye shall offer willingly. 30 The same day it shalbe eaten, yee shall leaue none of it vntill the morowe: I am the Lord. 31 Therefore shall ye keepe my commandements and do them: for I am the Lord. 32 Neither shall ye pollute mine holy Name, but I will be halowed among the children of Israel. I the Lord sanctifie you, 33 Which haue brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the Lord.
The Offerings Are Holy
1 The Lord told Moses 2 to say to Aaron and his sons:
I am the Lord God, and I demand that you honor my holy name by showing proper respect for the offerings brought to me by the people of Israel. 3 If any of you are unclean when you accept an offering for me, I will no longer let you serve as a priest. 4 None of you may take part in the sacred meals while you have a skin disease or an infected penis, or after you have been near a dead body or have had a flow of semen, 5 or if you have touched an unclean creature of any sort, including an unclean person. 6-7 Once you are unclean, you must take a bath, but you still cannot eat any of the sacred food until evening. 8 I command you not to eat anything that is killed by a wild animal or dies a natural death. This would make you unclean. 9 Obey me, or you will die on duty for disgracing the place of worship. Remember—I am the Lord, the one who makes a priest holy.
10 Only you priests and your families may eat the food offerings; these are too sacred for any of your servants. 11 However, any slave that you own, including those born into your household, may eat this food. 12 If your daughter marries someone who isn't a priest, she can no longer have any of this food. 13 But if she returns to your home, either widowed or divorced, and has no children, she may join in the meal. Only members of a priestly family can eat this food, 14 and anyone else who accidentally does so, must pay for the food plus a fine of 20 percent.
15 I warn you not to treat lightly the offerings that are brought by the people of Israel. 16 Don't let them become guilty of eating this sacred food. Remember—I am the Lord, the one who makes these offerings holy.
Acceptable Sacrifices
17 The Lord told Moses 18 to tell Aaron and his sons and everyone else the rules for offering sacrifices. He said:
The animals that are to be completely burned on the altar 19-20 must have nothing wrong with them, or else I won't accept them. Bulls or rams or goats are the animals to be used for these sacrifices.
21 When you offer a sacrifice to ask my blessing, there must be nothing wrong with the animal. This is true, whether the sacrifice is part of a promise or something you do voluntarily. 22 Don't offer an animal that is blind or injured or that has an infection or a skin disease. 23 If one of your cattle or lambs has a leg that is longer or shorter than the others, you may offer it voluntarily, but not as part of a promise. 24 As long as you live in this land, don't offer an animal with injured testicles. 25 And don't bring me animals you bought from a foreigner. I won't accept them, because they are no better than one that has something wrong with it.
26 The Lord told Moses to say:
27 Newborn cattle, sheep, or goats must remain with their mothers for seven days, but on the eighth day, you may send them up in smoke to me, and I will accept the offering. 28 Don't sacrifice a newborn animal and its mother on the same day.
29 When you offer a sacrifice to give thanks to me, you must do it in a way that is acceptable. 30 Eat all of the meat that same day and don't save any for the next day. I am the Lord your God!
31 Obey my laws and teachings—I am the Lord. 32-33 I demand respect from the people of Israel, so don't disgrace my holy name. Remember—I am the one who chose you to be priests and rescued all of you from Egypt, so that I would be your Lord.