1 And when Sauls sonne heard that Abner was dead in Hebron, then his handes were feeble, and all Israel was afraide, 2 And Sauls sonne had two men that were captaines of bandes: the one called Baanah, and the other called Rechab, the sonnes of Rimmon a Beerothite of the children of Beniamin. (for Beeroth was reckened to Beniamin, 3 Because the Beerothites fled to Gittaim, and soiourned there, vnto this day). 4 And Ionathan Sauls sonne had a sonne that was lame on his feete: he was fiue yere olde when the tydings came of Saul and Ionathan out of Israel: then his nourse tooke him, and fledde away. And as she made haste to flee, the childe fell, and beganne to halte, and his name was Mephibosheth. 5 And the sonnes of Rimmon the Beerothite, Rechab and Baanah went and came in the heat of the day to the house of Ish-bosheth (who slept on a bed at noone) 6 And beholde, Rechab and Baanah his brother came into the middes of the house as they would haue wheate, and they smote him vnder the fift ryb, and fled. 7 For when they came into the house, he slept on his bed in his bed chamber, and they smote him, and slewe him, and beheaded him, and tooke his head, and gate them away through the plaine all the night. 8 And they brought the head of Ish-bosheth vnto Dauid to Hebron, and saide to the King, Beholde the head of Ish-bosheth Sauls sonne thine enemie, who sought after thy life: and the Lord hath auenged my lorde the King this day of Saul, and of his seede. 9 Then Dauid answered Rechab and Baanah his brother, the sonnes of Rimmon the Beerothite, and saide vnto them, As the Lord liueth, who hath deliuered my soule out of al aduersity, 10 When one tolde me, and sayde that Saul was dead, (thinking to haue brought good tydings) I tooke him and slewe him in Ziklag, who thought that I woulde haue giuen him a rewarde for his tidings: 11 How much more, when wicked men haue slaine a righteous person in his owne house, and vpon his bed? shall I not now therfore require his blood at your hand, and take you from the earth? 12 Then Dauid commanded his yong men, and they slew them, and cut off their hands and their feete, and hanged them vp ouer the poole in Hebron: but they tooke the head of Ishbosheth, and buried it in the sepulchre of Abner in Hebron.
Ishbosheth Is Killed
1 Ishbosheth felt like giving up after he heard that Abner had died in Hebron. Everyone in Israel was terrified.
2 Ishbosheth had put the two brothers Baanah and Rechab in charge of the soldiers who raided enemy villages. Rimmon was their father, and they were from the town of Beeroth, which belonged to the tribe of Benjamin. 3 The people who used to live in Beeroth had run away to Gittaim, and they still live there.
4 Saul's son Jonathan had a son named Mephibosheth, who had not been able to walk since he was five years old. It happened when someone from Jezreel told his nurse that Saul and Jonathan had died. She hurried off with the boy in her arms, but he fell and injured his legs.
5 One day about noon, Rechab and Baanah went to Ishbosheth's house. It was a hot day, and he was resting 6-7 in his bedroom. The two brothers went into the house, pretending to get some flour. But once they were inside, they stabbed Ishbosheth in the stomach and killed him. Then they cut off his head and took it with them.
Rechab and Baanah walked through the Jordan River valley all night long. 8 Finally they turned west and went to Hebron. They went in to see David and told him, “Your Majesty, here is the head of Ishbosheth, the son of your enemy Saul who tried to kill you! The Lord has let you get even with Saul and his family.”
9 David answered:
I swear that only the Lord rescues me when I'm in trouble! 10 When a man came to Ziklag and told me that Saul was dead, he thought he deserved a reward for bringing good news. But I grabbed him and killed him.
11 You evil men have done something much worse than he did. You've killed an innocent man in his own house and on his own bed. I'll make you pay for that. I'll wipe you from the face of the earth!
12 Then David said to his troops, “Kill these two brothers! Cut off their hands and feet and hang their bodies by the pool in Hebron. But bury Ishbosheth's head in Abner's tomb near Hebron.” And they did.