Every year Bible Society of Zimbabwe (BSZ) invites churches, the Christian community in celebrating access to God’s Word. Bible Month is celebrated every November to remember that the Bible is for everyone and it is at the core of the life of Christian communities. Bible Month is a significant opportunity for Bible Societies to work together with the churches and connect with the Christian communities. By celebrating Bible Month with them, we introduce what the BSZ represents in Zimbabwe. Moreover, we make the biblical text relevant within the Christian communities. We showcase our involvement in the entire Bible cycle process and our commitment to serving the churches, striving to provide access to the Bible in all languages. The heart of Bible month is to support the Bible Mission through invitations to participate in celebrations along with churches and organisations around the country. The celebrations include Bible workshops, quizzes all that tell about the great joy of knowing the Word of God. BSZ exists to serve the churches of the country, providing Scriptures to meet each person’s unique needs and languages.
May the Lord support all the efforts and activities that have been planned to fulfil the Bible Mission.