Prayer is part of Christian life, being equally important whether it is done in group or individually. In your prayers, please remember important questions for the continuity of the Bible work, whether in local, national or international scope. One of them is fund-raising, which allows Bible Societies to maintain the subsidized and free distribution of Scriptures and their outreach programs of biblical nature that assist people at risk and socially vulnerable. Please remember also those who are part of this work, both indirectly– volunteers, partners and supporters—and directly–employees who work in different areas like Human Resources, Distribution, Communications and Finances, among others.

The production of Scriptures and the relationship with Churches are also key parts of the Bible work. Pray also for the translation teams so that they can have their needs met in their effort to spread the Word to the different nations. And ask for the development of Scriptures in digital media that will contribute to extending the access of new generations to the biblical message. Finally, please remember to pray that the shipment of Scriptures will be made without obstacles from the place of production to the point of distribution.

Bible Society in Botswana

Praise God for the achievements made in spreading the Word of God in this country. Please pray that the local Bible Society is able to teach Bible principles to different generations, especially young people and children. Pray also that publishing projects may attract more and more people to the Bible message.

General Data

I Continent: Africa
I Capital: Gaborone
I Population: 2.2 million
I Language: English, Setswana
I Religion: Christian (67%), indigenous beliefs (23%), Muslim, Hindu, and other groups (10%)

Bible Society of The Gambia

We are grateful to God Almighty for our amiable and competent Board of Directors, our visionary management and the constant support from the local churches. We pray to God for peace, wisdom and divine direction for our National government. We also pray that our efforts will be fruitful and bring many to the knowledge of the saving grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

General Data

I Continent: Africa
I Capital: Banjul
I Population: 2.7 million
I Language: English, Wolof, Mandinka, others
I Religion: Christian (17.5%), Muslim (83%), and other groups (0.5%)

Bible Society of Lesotho

Praise God for our competent Board of Directors and the constant support from churches. Please pray for peace, wisdom and guidance for our country’s government.

General Data

I Continent: Africa
I Capital: Maseru
I Population: 1.9 million
I Language: English, Sesotho
I Religion: Christian (80%), indigenous beliefs (20%)


Please ask God to bless the Bible work in this country and that His Word can reach the hearts of the entire population. Pray for the war in Sudan to stop and for the BSS staff who are scattered in different locations. 

General Data

I Continent: Africa
I Capital: Khartoum
I Population: 43 million
I Language: Arabic and English (official)
I Religion: Muslim (Sunni), small Christian community

Please pray for peace in our country. Pray for the nation of South Sudan, as it navigates economic social and political challenges and seeks stability (especially the national elections in December 2024). Lift up in prayer the people of South Sudan who are suffering from trauma – pray that they may find comfort, healing, and restoration. Pray for the Staff of Bible Society in South Sudan and its projects (Translation, Trauma Healing, Literacy and digital/social media). 

General Data

I Continent: Africa
I Capital: Juba
I Population: 11 million
I Language: English, Arabic
I Religion: Christian (95%), Muslim (3%), traditional beliefs (0.8%)

Bible Society of Zimbabwe

There are 16 official languages in our country and, so far, we have just three full Bibles translated. Please pray for funding and the quick translation into all our languages so that every Zimbabwean can read the Bible in their own language. Pray also for the recovery of our nation’s economy.

General Data

I Continent: Africa
I Capital: Harare
I Population: 15.2 million
I Language: English, Shona, Ndebele, Tonga, Ndau, Kalanga.
I Religion: Christian (87%), traditional beliefs (1.4%), Muslim (0.8%)