Winter is at its peak in Zimbabwe and rarely do you find people congregating at night without putting on heaters. If it is a rural area, the norm is to put on a fire and then people would sit around the fire. On this chilly day, the Bible Society of Zimbabwe mobilized the Muziti community for showing a Jesus film. The uncertainty of people coming was at our faces as we drove through the towns to Muziti. Many people are usually seated in the homes to avoid catching the cold outside.

There are those type of people who are always forthcoming when it comes to gathering for the Word of God. The community defied the odds by coming in numbers to watch the Jesus Film at a local church where people had an opportunity to witness the visuals of the life and ministry of Jesus up to resurrection. The audience would be heard responding to the actions seen on the wall and where there was expression of happiness, pain and suffering, the responses from the audience would be heard.

Talking at the sidelines of the filming, the host pastor, Rev Bright Tirivanhu [39] could not hold his joy as he shared that ‘this is a very good and strategic program which simplifies the Bible message and it makes the life of the preacher very easy. Many times, as pastors, we assign members to preach but you will note that there is a bit of some doubt as some do not even have a Bible to preach from. Several Bible verses have been preached from and this film brought a very good opportunity to members who can now easily relate and follow through the events that are recorded in the Bible’. One could see that the film is tou

The Bible Society team had an opportunity to check on one old lady [Mrs Chando 64] who remarkably was following proceedings from the front and she had this to say, ‘in our early days, we used to gather at shopping centers to watch dramas of various comedians that were shown even in schools during the night and today you have taken me back memory lane but in a correct path. Seeing these events for over three hours has answered some imaginations that we had in mind as to what actually happened and how things went on. I thank you my sons for remembering our community and those who have come’. Asked what story will she take back home, she had this to say, ‘life is lived once and cannot be played back, God is creating platforms for us to engage with the Word of God, I have seen young ages here and my heart felt warm because a number of these ages are engaging in substance abuse and the girl child is rushing for marriage as an option. The gospel is the answer to all our challenges and today we have witnessed the power in visuals.