Tonga Translation will be the first Bible in Zimbabwean context.
This Tonga language is spoken by close to 300,000 people Zimbabwe and in the neighbouring Southern province of Zambia.
The need for a local language tonga Bible has been high especially from the Clergy working in the language region and other Bible scholars who desire a deeper understanding of the Scripture texts. Lecturers training the clergy whose churches have big missions in the Tonga Speaking Region need a Bible in their mother tongue. The project will therefore produce a Tonga Bible for the clergy and the BaTonga people of living in and around the Binga District, Binga village the Kariba area, and other parts of Matabeleland. We could not start the project in 2016 because of the change in personnel in the Bible Society and the new team saw it fit to have more time to prepare and polish the project. The team went to the community and held meetings with the chiefs, church leaders and the community as a whole. The community is very enthusiastic about the project, translators are chosen and the project is ready to start in 2018.