This is the first translation for the Chikunda Community of Northern part of Zimbabwe.
We have merged the Old and the new Testaments so that we publish a full Bible in Chikunda.The translation of the Chikunda New Testament (NT) was initially done by the Word for the World who then approached Bible Society of Zimbabwe (BSZ) for publishing and copyrights however, when the NT was launched it was rejected by the Chikunda community. They sighted that the orthography is different, it lacks consistence, it has multiple languages and that it was not formally reviewed. The community has asked BSZ to retranslate the NT in accordance with United Bible Societies (UBS) set standards of translation as has been done with the Old Testament. The translation of the NT will be in sync with the Old Testament hence providing a full Bible of Chikunda language. The Bible will aid in winning souls and reaffirm faith of the estimated 500,000 people who speak Chikunda in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia (ZIMOZA) as it is popularly known in the community.