Contrary to many peoples belief that sign language is universal it differs from one country to another. As Zimbabwe we have our own way of signing and as Bible Society of Zimbabwe we aim to provide the Deaf community in Zimbabwe with a Bible in their heart language. Tawanda a Deaf vendor who sells his wares just outside Bible House asked “Are hearing people more important than the Deaf, because they are so many versions of the written Bible and none for the Deaf”. He challenged us to produce Scriptures even portions that grow their faith and enable him and the Deaf community to have a relationship with the Almighty. Contrary to hearing people beliefs most Deaf do not know how to read or write. Unintentionally the body of Christ is chasing away souls that need to be saved because of lack of sign language.
Bible Society of Zimbabwe (BSZ) is governed by the great commission, therefore go and make disciples of all nations … (Matthew 28:19-20) that mean the Deaf included. BSZ intend to reach out to 700,000 Deaf people reported by National Association of Societies for the Care of the Handicapped (NASCOH). This will be done through significant stories in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation Chronological Bible Translation (CBT).