According to the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare one percent of the Zimbabwean population is estimated to be blind, that is 125,000 people. A full Braille Bible is typically made up of a stack of at least 48 volumes, weighing nearly 45kgs altogether at a cost of six hundred dollars each ($600) which makes it very difficult for people with visual disability to access the Word of God let alone afford one. Braille Bibles are scarce with some schools having only a single copy that the teacher reads out to students while they listen in their religious education (RE) lesson. Cataracts and glaucoma are major causes of blindness in Zimbabwe. The PVD involvement in churches and communities activities is minimal with only a handful attending church services because of the stigma they are encountering. Efforts have been made by Government and other organisations to aid the plight of the PVD physical needs, however, none of these efforts have addressed their spiritual needs. Bible Society of Zimbabwe (BSZ) through this project seeks to provide Scriptures in braille for the visually impaired and we are also dedicating a room at our Bible House so that the PVD may come and read the Bible. Braille literacy, better grades in RE and self-esteem will be restored in the lives of the PVD upon completion of the project.